Trusted by 400+ companies in the UK

Healthy high performance in a high pressure world

How do you or your organisation want to cross the next finish line?

Successful but depleted, wishing the next holiday was a week sooner?

Or punching the air like you were born for this, ready for the next action? When you’re up against steep demands both at work and in your everyday life, it’s a challenge to find how to move from one side of the spectrum to the other. But you don’t have to chart the course by yourself.

healthy high performance with next action associates training
healthy high performance with next action associates training
healthy high performance with next action associates training

Get things done
without getting done in

High performance doesn’t have to come with a high cost. But for many teams and individuals, performing at the top level is a question of coping rather than thriving. Maybe you’re looking to turn around a pattern of burnout, or you’re trying to stay afloat with all the information coming your way. Or maybe you’re not sure yet what the problem is, only that it’s there. For over fifteen years Next Action Associates has helped thousands of individuals and teams find ways to work smarter and live better. From one-to-one coaching with leaders to training and events at an organisational level, find out how we can help.

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Our Methodology

Achieving more with less stress – it’s everyone’s dream. But is it actually possible?

Pioneered by David Allen, Getting Things Done® is about exactly that. It’s a productivity management system that helps you find new ways to organise your thoughts, focus on what’s important, and ultimately create lasting habits to consistently keep focus on what matters most.

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How can we help

Whether you’re looking to learn to feel more energised in your role, or you’re looking to create a no-burnout zone for a high performing team, our certified GTD coaches and trainers can help you drill down into your working habits to find a solution.

of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
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Get in touch

If you’re looking to build a better foundation for clarity, focus and healthy high performance, reach out and see how we can help.

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