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Frequently asked questions

Quickly find the answers you need:

Where is NAA based?

Next Action Associates is based in the UK and Ireland. Many of our in-person events are held in London, but we can come on-site with your organisation for training and coaching. We also offer virtual coaching, organisational training, and events. 

 Is NAA’s training relevant for me?

NAA works with people who are looking for healthy high performance. It’s not necessarily remedial – it can be for people who have already achieved a lot professionally but who simply want to achieve more without losing their spark along the way. 

We’ve worked with some of the brightest, busiest and most ambitious people from all kinds of backgrounds and industries, from senior executives, department heads and their teams to leading surgeons, journalists, business owners and government officials. 

Is NAA’s training relevant for my team?

Our training applies to knowledge workers of all types and stripes, within organisations large and small.

Since our training is designed to make high performance more sustainable over the long term, it’s often adopted as part of high-potential and partner-track programmes.

Large organisations and multinationals regularly bring us in to work with their leadership teams, or to help the entire company step into healthy high performance right down to the level of individual contributors.

Which of NAA’s services is right for my organisation?

For organisations we broadly offer three options, which are often combined for maximum effectiveness:

Organisational consulting
Organisational training
One-to-one coaching

You can also send members of your organisation to our open-enrollment courses if you would like to sample our work. A number of senior leaders and executives have attended our seminars themselves before enthusiastically recommending it for their entire department or organisation. 

Which of NAA’s services is best for me as an individual?

For individuals we offer two main options:

Open-enrollment courses
One-to-one coaching 

You are also welcome to join one of our community’s events if you would like to dip your toes into the water before committing to anything. 

What makes GTD® different from other methodologies for healthy high performance?

The Getting Things Done® methodology (GTD), created by David Allen, proposes a fundamentally different approach to healthy high performance. 

It’s a self management system that involves dealing effectively with all of the things we have to do and want to do, both personally and professionally.

GTD helps us to capture new inputs, decide what (if anything) we want to do about them, organise the results into a system we can review, and make intuitive and tactical choices about what to do at any given point in time.

Have there been any academic studies on the effectiveness of GTD?

Getting Things Done: The Science Behind Stress-Free Productivity by Francis Heylighen and Clément Vidal goes into greater detail on the science behind GTD and why it works.

How is attending a GTD seminar better than just reading the GTD book?

Many people who come to the seminar have already read the book. They find that while the book is great for getting an overview, our seminars help them to ground the GTD theory in their experience and practice.

Take it from one of our participants:

“I was already familiar with GTD through the book, but just reading the book was not enough to help me get the system fully integrated into my life.

“What the seminar did was to help me identify - and change - my work habits so that I can consistently work more efficiently and effectively… GTD changed the way I work, and that has changed my life.”

– Gillian Saunders, Director of Quality Management, Siemens

Do others teach GTD in the UK?

We offer the only officially-licensed GTD seminar and coaching programmes in the UK– Next Action Associates are the only officially-certified UK partner of the David Allen Company. 

I’ve completed a course with Next Action Associates – what’s next?

There are many options. If you’ve attended a level 1 course, then levels 2<link to Level 2 course> and 3<link to level 3 course> beckon. Otherwise you might want to introduce GTD to others in your organisation,<link to organisational training page> or you might want to personally keep up with our community and events.<link to community page>

The fundamentals of healthy high performance and GTD – both in understanding and execution – are something to be continually refined over the course of one’s life and career. For this reason, GTD practitioners often find value in re-visiting the book, public seminars, and one-to-one coaching at various stages of their life. 

You can also check out our YouTube channel or subscribe to our podcast for quick doses of inspiration.

How can I connect with other GTD practitioners in the UK and Ireland?

Check out our community and events<link to community page> if you want to stay connected with other people who are going after healthy high performance in the UK and Ireland. 

of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
years serving the UK market
UK Companies served
past participants would recommend us

Get in touch

If you’re looking to build a better foundation for clarity, focus and healthy high performance, reach out and see how we can help.

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