Microsoft Teams Setup Guide for GTD (PDF Only)

£ 8.00 GBP

Our best-practices guide for implementing GTD with Microsof Teams. A4 size PDF. 45 pages.

This Guide will show you how to:
• Understand the fundamental GTD best practices for optimizing your productivity in Teams
• Optimally configure Microsoft Teams in the way we have found works best for GTD
• Configure and populate your projects and link them to the related Next Actions
• Configure and populate your Next Actions
• Integrate other Microsoft Applications into Teams, such as Outlook, To Do, and Planner to optimize workflow

.. and much more!

Once you purchase, you will receive an email with a link to download the Guide as a PDF, which you can save and/or print for your personal use.

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45 pages

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Our best-practices guide for implementing GTD with Microsof Teams. A4 size PDF. 45 pages.

£ 8.00 GBP
of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
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