Do You Hear Voices?

Do You Hear Voices?

  “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris The Japanese personal organiser Marie Kondo recommends thinking of one’s possessions as animate, and treating them with according...
Busy is out there. And it’s coming for you.

Busy is out there. And it’s coming for you.

You’re being stalked right now. No, not by people in camouflage gear and woolly hats. It’s Busy. Busy is after you. When Busy catches you, it gets you to do things. Lots of things. (Doing things is good, though, surely?) Well, Busy has rules. You have to stay in...
Do You Hear Voices?

Sustaining Flow with GTD

Have you ever gotten lost in the enjoyment of a task? Chances are it was something you were able to do well, but that also challenged you on some level. This lovely feeling, of being both competent and stretched at the same time, is something I crave, and have sought...