Ivo Lingnau

With his leadership experience gained within an international consulting business, as well as insights he added from project engagements with a diverse group of companies, he can bring his own experience into corporate training and recognises the range of business needs and realities of his training and coaching clients

Senior Associate

Ivo Lingnau first came across GTD® in 2004, while living in London and working as a partner in a consulting business. Like many others who first read the book, he quickly found a number of valuable ideas and tips to use. However, it took two house moves and the addition of two small children to the family for him to rise to the challenge and create a proper GTD system. This marked the starting point of a continuing journey to establish and fine-tune his GTD practice.After benefiting personally and professionally from GTD for many years, he realised that he would really like to see more people using GTD to align their actions and attention with their goals and achieve more with less stress. As a certified trainer and coach – working in both English and German – he now enjoys helping clients and participants to find and implement the best GTD solutions for their needs.Prior to moving into GTD training, Ivo was a Managing Director in FTI Consulting’s Strategic Communications division. Based first in London and later in Frankfurt, he advised companies and organisations in business-critical events including mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and crisis situations.With his leadership experience gained within an international consulting business, as well as insights he added from project engagements with a diverse group of companies, he can bring his own experience into corporate training and recognises the range of business needs and realities of his training and coaching clients.He has lived and worked in the UK, USA and Germany and now lives with his wife and three children just outside Frankfurt, Germany, working throughout Europe. He likes to play and watch basketball and his most recent Someday/Maybe which moved over to his Projects list was buying a 1976 VW T2 Westfalia Campervan.

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Ivo Lingnau

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of Fortune 100 have had some form of GTD training
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